Faroe Origin supplies pure and fresh saithe products (Pollachius virens) which meet the needs of the modern consumer.
As of June 2013, all Faroe Origin comply with the requirements of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) with certificates in Chain of Custody Standard and Fishery of Faroe Islands saithe.
Fresh LoinsFillets |
Frozen IQF Portions & loinsFillets Portions Interleaved packed fillets Loin Portions |
Faroe Origin - Fiskivinnuhavnin 1 - 600 Saltangará - Faroe Islands - origin@origin.fo - Phone: +298 200600 - Fax: +298 200601
Faroe Origin supplies pure and fresh saithe products (Pollachius virens) which meet the needs of the modern consumer.
As of June 2013, all Faroe Origin comply with the requirements of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) with certificates in Chain of Custody Standard and Fishery of Faroe Islands saithe.
Fresh LoinsFillets |
Frozen IQF Portions & loinsFillets Portions Interleaved packed fillets Loin Portions |